Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I love my friends...............

Thank you all!!!

ROCK ON!!!!!! \_/

Bottom Ten

okay, i will go back to the less interesting, but more reader approved type of blogging.
i shall now make a Jason's Bottom Ten!!!

10. Whiny People


8.Poison Ivy

7.Classical Music/German Hip-Hop (TIE)

6.Hair In The Drain Of The Bathtub

5.Liberals Bashing Bush

4.Guys Wearing Short Shorts. (What rhymes with Sister Freddy?)

3.Napolean Dynamite (Sorry, that movie was stupid, and there is too much hype)

2. Gas Prices (Why Should I Even Look Forward Too Having A Car?)

And my number 1 bottom ten......




weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllll.................. lessee, whats new? I have to wash our fence, then paint it again. stupid fence. i really want to go to Freedom Fest, but i dont know if i am. Poor little Ling-Ling.
anyways, i was hangin out with some friends, and alllll of a sudden matt asked this really wierd question. of course, thats matt. now, actually think about the qeustion, and maybye it will make sense. although it probably won't.

the question was:

"How come boys take off their pants more than girls do?"


Monday, August 15, 2005

Such a good dog...............

<bgsound src="http://savefile.com/files/3896098" loop=true>