dont you just hate it when you spend a while on a post, get it all done, press publish, and the compy poops, and loses all your work??
me too.
any ways, i shall type this for a second time.
camping at Ft. Worden was really fun. and us older scouts stayed up pretty darn late. or early, if you want to get technical about it. and no, i dont mean some wussy 1 o'clock a.m......
i really want to rent Kingdom Of Heaven. it looks so freaking cool!!
big swords...
and im gonna see Falling Up and Pillar!!and im excited. they both ROCK live!
Pop stinks. music pop, not pop pop.
and i shall now post a funny picture.

thank you internets!!
yes, i said internets on purpose.
"Griff, quit monkeying about!"
"Thats not a target, thats Church!"
"Does 'swoosh' count as a noise? If so, then yes."
"Happy Andy, happy.....NO! NOT THAT HAPPY!!"
"Time does not go in lines, it goes in circles. That is why clocks are round."
Or maybye Dab si nnarg....
Ha that picture is too cute...
Crazy Mongolians...
Easy there pal! No need to get overly excited!
i delete you!!
and...what are these pointless ramblings to which you are referring?
i think someones a little grumpy....
one thing you have to learn on this blog is dont take everything seriously. i f you dont like it, leave!
but if you are some crazy pirate-ninja-french chef-with a whisk, then by all means, comment.
besides, i have deleting powers!
Don't take anything seriously on this blog. IF you do you will die. And certainly, don't take the not taking stuff seriously part seriously either.
herbeating monkey men. hmm
thanks for the...poem?
it was swell.
Kingdom of Heaven is awesome, I saw it in the theater when it was there.
Good. Stuff.
Yes! Kingdom of Heaven looks so awesome! I want to see it too!
can you please fix your web links?
can u pleese ficks ur fase?
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