Thursday, September 01, 2005


well, im back!
yes im back...

ok, stop it jason.

anywayz, im home again from that awsome state we like to call virginia!
it was REALLY fun seein everbody.we did everything, and i found out i like panera bagels. wich reminds me that i need to go look for a paneras on the the internet after blogging.
everyone hasnt really changed at all, except everybody is short. Muahahahahahaha........

yupyup, and tomorrow were going to hong kong!

football is sweaty work. eww. i missed like 12 practises while in virginia. but it was worth it!!!!

i met some new peeps too. jacob, michael needs to start blogging. and we made a movie about a stolen remote. yaay!!

i wanna buy some new cd's. i need help with my links. HELP!!!

and all you Blitzkriegers out there, go to

its awsome.

funny cat......

at me and jacob argued till about 12:30 at night, and then he told me he agreed with me, but just liked arguing. icky head.

i need to get more xbox games, i got fable a month ago. totally awsome, would reccomend it.


ROCK ON!!!! \_/


At 3:42 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger Marguerite said...


Welcome Home!!!

Er, well... I wish you could have stayed here, but *sigh* I understand. You love football more than us.

Actually, some people got taller, like Anastasia...

I agree, Michael should get a blog and what is this thing about a remote video??? Is this going to be like finding nemo? (that's what it was last year right?)

At 6:34 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger Jacob Feldman said...

The remote is hilarious! Hobo, tree-huggers, and many other people have parts in it. Our movie will have you in tears for the hobo. Tears.

Jason, I'm not a... whatever you called me. grr....

At 1:43 PM, September 02, 2005, Blogger Jason said...

noooo, football isnt THAT important.
jacob, you icky head.

ROCK ON!!! \_/

At 8:29 PM, September 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back!
hehehe....great pix!
Have fun in Hong Kong... ;)

At 6:09 PM, September 05, 2005, Blogger Jason said...

actually, im not going to hong kong.


ROCK ON!!!! \_/


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